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The CheckMates Blog

Here's where we let you know what's going on with the CheckMates Community.


Welcome to "This Week in CheckMates," your weekly highlight reel for all things CheckMates!

Past and future posts will be available here: About CheckMates

To have these updates show up in your preferred RSS reader add the following URL: About CheckMates RSS Feed 

See also our social media accounts and our podcast (RSS Feed😞

CheckMates in Your Language!

While most of the content on CheckMates is in English, we now have a few groups where both content and discussions are available in other languages! 

Let us know if you want to have it in your native language as well.

CheckMates Comes to Texas

One of the events I did this week was in our newly expanded office space in our Dallas TAC, which is still under construction:


I also had to say hi to Jason Tugwell‌ and Toni Ponder‌ in our Training and Certification team:

And, of course, it's new iPhone time.

Had to check out CheckMates on the Xs Max!

Looks great, as expected!

Community Highlights

Here are the top threads of the past week or so:


This unofficial poll has generated a lot of discussion. Even Product Management has chimed in!

Troubleshooting policy installation 

Some pointed questions (and answers) about how to do this.

multidomain and mgmt_cli 

If you're using Multi-Domain Management and using the CLI, make sure you're either logged into the domain or the domain is specified as part of the CLI command.

Create objects for Azure Data-Center IP ranges - Python script 

And the companion for R77.30 and earlier: Create/Update Azure Network/Group Objects for Public IP Space (77.30-below) 

Max Power (max) - Fix me beautiful 

This Bash script analyzes your Check Point system and provides advanced security, health and performance optimization tips.

Speed up your Snapshot creation and revert time 

Links to a couple SKs on the topic.

Cipher Configuration Tool (CCT) 

Simpler way to control what ciphers are permitted by various parts of the product.

Maintenance actions that should be performed by admins 

See also: Maintenance actions that should be performed by admins 

iOS12 Siri Shortcuts and MGMT API 

Speak to your phone and get the status of your firewalls. Smiley Happy


Upcoming Events

Between Valeri Loukine and I, we'll be busy in the next several weeks!

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Welcome to "This Week in CheckMates," your weekly highlight reel for all things CheckMates!

Past and future posts will be available here: About CheckMates

To have these updates show up in your preferred RSS reader add the following URL: About CheckMates RSS Feed 

See also our social media accounts and our podcast (RSS Feed😞

CheckMates in Your Language!

While most of the content on CheckMates is in English, we now have a few groups where both content and discussions are available in other languages! 

Let us know if you want to have it in your native language as well.


New CheckMates Swag

Yes, I ordered some new stickers:

I also have some other stuff on order, some of which I will be giving away at CheckMates events in the near future.

What, exactly? You'll have to wait and see.

Community Highlights

Here are the top threads of the past week or so:

After a very successful CheckMates track during 2018, we're putting out a Call For Papers for our upcoming global CPX 360 events for 2019!

Security Gateway Inventory  

A useful script when you've got a lot of gateways in a Multi-Domain Environment.

SmartConsole R80.10 (GA Build 073) now available 

SmartConsole R80.10 has gotten an update with some bugfixes.

R77.30 - Support until May 2019 

If you haven't upgraded to R80.x, there's no time like the present. Also some hints about R80.20 GA in this thread from a reliable source Smiley Happy

Making Skype work properly with HTTPS inspection enabled featuring To Probe Bypass or Not To Probe B... 

This issue has come up a few times on CheckMates, and John Fenoughty seems to have come up with a way to make it play nice.

AW keeps deleting Dameware Service 

Exclusions have to be configured properly. 

Be sure to take advantage of this complimentary training for CheckMates members, if you haven't already!

Upcoming Events

Between Valeri Loukine‌ and I, we'll be busy in the next several weeks!

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Share your Cyber Security insights on-stage at CPX 360 !


We’re looking for speakers who will teach, share and inspire Check Point customers and partners to use the innovations, strategies, tools, and techniques needed to prevent cyber threats! How are you leveraging the power of Check Point Infinity Architecture to protect your organization? What are some of the technical tips and tricks you can recommend? Submit your ideas to CPX 360 !


This year we have two dedicated call for papers tracks:

*20x20 Cyber Innovation Competition 

*CheckMates Community use cases 


Recommended topic areas include real use cases in:

  • Cutting edge cyber security innovations 
  • Cloud Security
  • Perimeter and Data Center Security
  • Mobile security
  • Advanced Threat Prevention
  • R80.X use cases
  • Security Automation


Remember to include practical advice, key success factors, proven examples, an in-depth explanation of the challenges you’ve overcome and lessons learned on topics related to securing your datacenter, your cloud environments, your mobile and endpoints.


Key Dates

  • Submissions deadline is November 30th 
  • Decision and notification to speaker December 15th


Submit your abstract to


Items to Include in Submission

All submissions must include the following information:

  • Presenter’s name
  • Presenter’s organization, job title and biography
  • Presentation title
  • Track you are submitting for (20x20 Innovation Competition or CheckMates)
  • Short abstract – maximum 100 words
  • Length – ideally 20-30 minutes for the CheckMates track, 6 minutes 40 seconds for the 20x20 Innovation Competition track)
  • If applicable, please also include any links to previous presentations, slide decks, or papers
  • Please include an estimate of how ‘technical’ your presentation will be. The following rating will be used:

T1  = Very little technical knowledge required

T2  = Some technical knowledge is assumed
T3 = Largely technical and/or detailed content aimed at technicians

  • Event you are submitting to (Bangkok (Jan. 21th-23th), Las Vegas (Feb. 4th-6th), Vienna (Feb. 18th-20th))
  • Presenters are to submit for an event in their respective GEO's   
  • Presentations must be written in English
  • Presentations should present original work, which ideally has not been previously published
  • Presentations will be selected based on their originality, significance, correctness and clarity of presentation


Key Disclaimers

It is important for presentations to avoid vendor/partner/sponsor specific  ‘product pitches/sales pitches’. If presentation proposals are considered to contain such material (product pitches/sales) they will more than likely be rejected early in the review process. Further, vendors are reminded that there is no linkage between conference sponsorship and the opportunity to present at the conference.

proposals with real use cases from customers will be given priority in the selection criteria 


We will give full conference passes (with hotel) only to those who actively participate as speakers on accepted presentations.

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CheckMates in the OC

Niran Turgeman and I were at the CPX in Southern California this week!

We, of course, had a booth:

And presented in a breakout session: 

I also had a lot of people come up to me to thank me for all the work I had done both in Ye Olden Days with the old FireWall-1 FAQ and the work we're currently doing with CheckMates.

It's always nice to be reminded of why I'm doing what I'm doing: helping others solve their problems.

CPX360 2019 is Coming!

We are looking ahead to our global CPX360 events in 2019 and want to make them better than ever!
You can help us do so by answering this short survey, which will also enter you in a drawing for Apple AirPods!

Community Highlights

Here are the top threads of the past week or so:

R80.20 EA for Gateway with Linux 3.10 Kernel Coming Soon 

We added some details about the benefits of the newer kernel to this thread and are looking for more Production EA customers!

GDPR and Check Point 

GDPR is a hot topic, not just for Europe, but pretty much every business that deals with Europe. This video gives some basics on the topic and how Check Point can help with this 

As promised a few months ago in a TechTalk...

Optimizing an IPS profile for SMB 

With added discussion about other blades in the comments.

RX-OVR drops and 10 gb hardware buffer 

Switching from multiple 1GB NICs to 10GB NICs definitely increases your throughput.

IPS exception for pre R80 gateways with R80 SMS 

IPS exceptions are managed differently for R80.x gateways versus pre-R80.x gateways.

How to change the SSL-VPN port on a locally managed SMB Appliance 

Pretty simple task, really, only made simpler when you can see how it's done with a video. 

This technology is key in stopping Gen V Cyber Threats and we're giving training on it away to CheckMates members for a limited time!

Upcoming Events

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Welcome to "This Week in CheckMates," your weekly highlight reel for all things CheckMates!

Past and future posts will be available here: About CheckMates

To have these updates show up in your preferred RSS reader add the following URL: About CheckMates RSS Feed 

See also our social media accounts and our podcast (RSS Feed😞

CheckMates in Your Language!

While most of the content on CheckMates is in English, we now have a few groups where both content and discussions are available in other languages! 

Let us know if you want to have it in your native language as well.


CheckMates in Norway

While I had a week off the road for a change, Valeri Loukine‌ and Lillie Miller‌ were in Norway for their local CPX!

Next week, Niran Turgeman‌ and I will be at the CPX in Orange County, CA!

Community Highlights

Here are the top threads of the past week or so:

Getting Started on Check Point CheckMates - How To & FAQ 

Valeri Loukine‌ and I (but mostly Valeri) updated our "Getting Started" page, which should be helpful for people who are new to CheckMates. 

A Primer on Anti-Spoofing 

I dusted off an old FAQ I wrote on Anti-Spoofing a couple decades ago and updated for current releases. And, of course, it prompted some questions Smiley Happy

Threat Prevention policies after R77.30 to R80.10 migration. Is it correct? 

An oldie but goodie that comes up from time to time about the IPS Policy Layer when you're managing R77.x gateways from R80.x.

One Time Scripts on Gaia Embedded 

Can't be done via SmartConsole, but can be done on the CLI via cprid. 

Changing the Standalone Remote Access Client flavor 

Apparently one does not need to reinstall the Remote Access client to change the "flavor" Smiley Happy

How to add a 30 day evaluation license to a SMB appliance 

More or less the same process for regular appliances as well. 

Check Point Active-Response Add-on for Splunk 

Our integration with Splunk has improved!

Tufin integration with Check Point R80.docx 

Speaking of partner integrations, here's how you integrate Check Point R80.x with Tufin! 

Another oldie but goodie: why did we move some of what were previously IPS protections to Inspection Settings.

Upcoming Events

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