Actually it's very difficult to prescribe "best" model for VSX when it comes to CoreXL. Everyone is using it in different ways so solution at the end will be quite different. But I understand your frustration - it's not easy and it takes years to get some good understanding. And then when you think you know it all bam! New version and new tricks 🙂
First things first - all I know from "inside" is that you should not be running R80.20 on gateways, upgrade to R80.30 latest jumbo. I just heard that feedback and case numbers on R80.20 gateways (not mgmt!) was not great. We have been running VSX on R80.30 since january and it's been great. You might want to read this too if you decide to upgrade
Secondly, I'm not really good on VSX running on open servers - they seem to behave somewhat different, looks like open servers are more efficient and you can just run all VSes sharing the same FWK cores. At least that's what I've heard from "big" customers. We run appliances, mix of 23800, 26000 and 41000 chassis and they all needed tweaking to get best results.
Your next decision will be based on blades you use - is it just FW or also advanced blades. Basically VSX runs better without hyperthreading or SMT enabled if you only use FW and most traffic is accelerated. If you see a lot of PXL and you use advanced blades, you definitely will benefit from extra cores.
One special high CPU case for us for example was Identity Awareness (pdpd and pepd) - therefore we run those on dedicated cores so that they do not affect real firewalling.
To give you short answer - I prefer dedicated cores for each VS and even processes as it really helps troubleshooting, especially high CPU cases. Plus you are protecting your other VSes from being impacted.
It's a lot of careful work to plan your CoreXL split manually, especially if you use hyperthreading - you must consider CPU core sibblings! That's very important.
But it would be very difficult to give you exact answer without knowing exact circumstances.