hello -- as of 4pm MDT (america/denver) my ability to access support tab from usercenter.checkpoint.com continues to be broken.
In addition, I'm unable open an authenticated session to checkmates (community.checkpoint.com).
The timeout is accessing the site: iam-sso.checkpoint.com
It appears that checkpoint's SSO provider is off-line and/or not properly servicing requests.
As side note, from a properly authenticated and established session on usercenter.checkpoint.com, I can open the NEW "support center EA" site. The legacy older "support center" does not work and times out.
The screenshot below is what happens when I click the "sign in" button on checkmates after jumping over there from authenticated session on usercenter.checkpoint.com. Normally, the authenticated session on usercenter.checkpoint.com should auto-establish user session on community.checkpoint.com but this is currently broken.
These problems likely due to problems with Checkpoint's SSO provider.