Just want to drop some extra info in here on RFL.
SmartEvent R80 Architecture to go with this description:
- Manages the queries it get from the consumer processes, forward them to Solr and return the results. Also in charge of resolving and database maintenance (clean up old indexes to have space for the new ones).

We get this diagram:

and this other info on debugging:
DEBUGGING Debug with Database Modifications. Use mgmt_cli.
In Pre-R80.10 systems, debugging was done using dbedit, which can still be used for the objects still managed from FWM (such as gateways, VSX objects and QoS policy).
Also in earlier systems, you could manual edit config files in $FWDIR/conf.
In R80.10, manual editing of files does not work. The configuration is stored in the PostgreSQL database, and not in the $FWDIR/conf files. R80.10 now uses these files to create a representation of the installed revision, on Install Policy.
R80.10 Logging Processes are from one CLI command set, rather than various tools of before.
SmartEventSetDebugLevel <component> <debug level>
Start: SmartEventSetDebugLevel rfl debug
Stop: SmartEventSetDebugLevel rfl info
and finally this: