Ever wondered where can you control GUI display values, like:
- The filter in the IPS Protections view
- Showing or hiding the hit count column
- The "don't show again what's new in R80.10 pop-up dialog" option
- The selected bottom-pane tab (for example if you want the summary instead of the logs to be selected when you open your security policy)
Display settings are stored locally on the Windows machine that runs SmartConsole.
If you have SmartConsole installed, it is at %LocalAppData%\Check Point\SmartConsole\R80.10\UserSettings
If you use SmartConsole in portable mode, it’s inside your portable folder under Output\UserSettings
Once you open the relevant user.config file, you can clear display filtering settings by removing specific XML elements. Just make sure that you do that after you close the SmartConsole UI, then save the file, then re-open SmartConsole.
For IPS protections filter, simply clear the node that contains “IpsProtectionsQueryManager.QueryFacetsResults”
For example, in my file it was this, so I cleared it:
<item key="cp://ThreatPreventionPlg/IPSProtectionsView/;ThreatPreventionPlg.Core.IpsProtectionsQueryManager.QueryFacetsResults">profileAggregatorParts.activation.overrideType^ByName#protection.severity;0^ByName#protection.confidenceLevel^ByName#protection.performanceImpact^ByName#protection.protectionMetaType^ByName#protection.tagVendor^ByName#protection.tagProduct^ByName</item>
For filters at the Gateways & Servers view, you can find and clear the node that contains “GatewayExplorerView/;CP.Infrastructure.DLE.DleQueryManager.QueryFacetsResults”
For example, in my file it was this:
<item key="cp://GatewayOverviewPlugin/GatewayExplorerView/;CP.Infrastructure.DLE.DleQueryManager.QueryFacetsResults">gateway.versionName^ByCount#gateway.osName^ByCount#gateway.hwName^ByCount#gateway.gatewayOrServerType^ByCount#gwStatus.gwOverallStatusInfo.gwOverallStatusDisplayName^ByCount</item>
Hope this helps.