I have a problem with the CVPND daemon on a VSX R80.40 cluster after updating JHF Take from 77 to 78.
The VS4 has Mobile Access blade enabled and SNX portal configured, which is not available after update.
1.On both nodes of the VSX cluster, the cpwd_admin list command shows the following outputs:


2.After starting the debug of CVPND daemon, the following logs are displayed in cvpnd.elg:
Line 14197: [30 Sep 15:44:06][CONF_READ] [CVPN_INFO] CvpnIS::SetDataReader::getField: Obtain the field: 'citrixStrictTicketEnforcement'
Line 14198: [30 Sep 15:44:06][CONF_READ] [CVPN_ERROR] CvpnIS::SetDataReader::getField: Could not obtain the field: citrixStrictTicketEnforcement
Line 14199: [30 Sep 15:44:06][ANY] Exception: SetDataReader::getField: Could not obtain the requested field - field name is: citrixStrictTicketEnforcement
Line 14200: [30 Sep 15:44:06] Exception: SetDataReader::getField: Could not obtain the requested field - field name is: citrixStrictTicketEnforcement - CVPND aborting
3.What is the reason for these messages?