Hey boys and girls,
I really hope someone can clarify this for me, as Im not really sure what to think or make of it. So, to make a long story short, customer wants to implement cert auth on the gateway (machine cert that is), but we are stuck on one point with TAC and I cant seem to get straight answer if this would work the way we think it would be.
So, lets forget for a moment about the AD/LDAP part and say customer simply wants to test one LOCAL vpn user for this to see if it works. TAC is saying that none of this is supported WITHOUT have IA blade enabled, yet, thats not indicating anywhere in below document, apart from the fact that you need access role, but here, we are not using access roles, so not sure why IA blade would be required.
I also attempted to replicate it in the lab, but even when configured below on gateway side, does not do much at all.
TAC person even told us they consulted with tech lead as well, but that seems to be the final "verdict", though does not appear to be documented officially. Any idea?
Thanks as always for the help.
Snippet from my lab:
Option you dont see actually says "mandatory"