We are deploying the Identity Agent for a customer and have packaged a custom MSI install (minus Packet Tagging) for distribution via SCCM. We used the IAConfigTool.exe to customise and save a new MSI, including the setting "Copy configuration from this computer". While the agent installs correctly and Active Directory configuration (setup using the Distributed Configuration tool) works correctly after installation, the issue we have is to do with the agent's behavior immediately after the MSI installation has completed. The user is always prompted with the Settings Dialog and forced to accept "Use automatic server discovery"/change with OK. This is obviously not ideal and not desirable in a centrally managed deployment with software distribution - we don't want users to see or be able to change the configuration. We haven't found any way to disable this settings dialog prompt - we have tried dumping and importing registry keys prior to MSI installation, with no luck. Is this a bug? Or a new behavior, recently introduced?
We have tried including DNS records for discovery (just to get around this initial settings dialog error: "Identity Server isn't configured and could not be found automatically")
We have tried to use the cpmsi_tool.exe method with no luck - there's no useful documentation on how this is supposed to work.
We initially deployed/tested version R80.172 but also experienced the "Always open after startup" so are now using R80.174. Thanks Royi Priov and Tobias Karsbo