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Quantum Spark recommended versions

What is the go with Quantum Spark recommended versions?

according to sk179615 the recommended verion is R81.10.05 build 1301, released in January, we are now almost into November. In that time variuous builds of R81.10.07 and R81.10.08 have been made available but none appear to have made the grade to become recommended.

By running versions later than recommended are we technically placing our customers on the "bleeding edge". Given that R80.20 for SMB is now end of support I would have thought that the recommended version would be something more recent than a 10 month old release.

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3 Replies

I am not sure if you read sk179615 correctly. The SK basically lists all the versions and their minimum alignment with the R81.X central management versions.

The latest Quantum Spark version is R81.10.08, and AFAIK, SMB do not have a notion of recommended versions, you should always upgrade to the latest release. 

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Leader Leader

I remember having the same question as the same SK shows this.

Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 08.36.23.png

I got answered by the relevant specialists to always use the latest one anyway.

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Employee Employee

Thanks Alex, I'm checking this internally to see if it remains correct or needs updating pending a future release or other metric etc.

/Edit: R81.10.08 is planned to become recommended in the near term.

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