Hi All
R81.20 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator take #54 has been released today, and is available for download.
Please note the following:
o Available to download the via Jumbo documentation R81.20
o Available for download via CPUSE by using package identifier.
o Can be provided by customer support
Content included in this take:
- PRJ-52484, PRJ-52942 - NEW: This Jumbo Hotfix Take introduces support for new Quantum Force appliances 19100 / 9800 / 9700 / 9400 / 9300 / 9200 / 9100 appliances. Refer to sk181698 and to sk180520. Requires installing SmartConsole R81.20 Build 653 (or higher)
- List of resolved issues in this take can be found in the Jumbo documentation R81.20
- Central Deployment allows you to perform a batch deployment of Hotfixes on your Security Gateways and clusters from SmartConsole!! For more information, see sk168597.
Release Operations Group