I sometimes need to show the SmartConsole in remote meeting settings. Since I use a 4k display on 100 % scaling in my day to day work, which is entirely fine in SmartConsole, the participants in the meetings cannot see the content of what I'm displaying. Thus I need to change the scaling from 100 to 150 %, which is a waste of real estate, though my peers are able to see my screen.
The problem:
If SmartConsole is open before changes in scaling it starts to behave erratically. Some icons resize, while others don't. The hitboxes are also wrong, for instance when opening new tabs in Logs & Monitor. Often it crashes as well, requiring a new login.
Quit R80.40 SmartConsole Build 411 before changing the scale, login again after.
This is a bit annoying as it adds to the steps during a busy day. Just adding someone to the conversation, for instance to do a quick demonstration, is a five minute affair in stead of a quick change back.
Start testing SmartConsole resize/rescaling scenarios as part of your development cycle. If this is a not supported feature; Microsoft has had this feature in Windows at least since 2016 and it is part of their design guidelines.