Hello, Check Point Lovers 8)
Check Point, confirms that they have detected from several customers, an issue with R81.10.
The issue is about the installation of policies, and the error code that I exposed in this post.
Policy installation failed on gateway - (Error code: 0-3-2000173-1)
The temporary solution: Modify the IPS profiles you are working with in the GWs you have in production.

I leave the TAC instructions for this.:
1.fisrt of all we need to check if the gateway has a policy -
# fw stat
-check if it has the old policy/ Initial policy
If it has the old policy-
Change the IPS profile (on the profile section in TP policy) to -
Performance impact to :Medium and Lower and
Low confidence to : Inactive
After that please check you also change it in the custom policy.
Push the Policy.
If it don’t have policy-
1.Remove all the files from below directories on problematic gateway.
#rm -v $FWDIR/ips/update/0/*
#rm -v $FWDIR/ips/update/1/*
#rm -v $FWDIR/ips/update/2/*
2.Upload file "sd_updates.upf" under $FWDIR/ips/update/cur/ on problematic gateway from the case attachment ( sd_updates.udf)
3.Change IPS profile same as the first scenario.
4.Install access control policy and install TP policy.
Solution Description: 1.fisrt of all we need to check if the gateway has a policy -
# fw stat
-check if it has the old policy/ Initial policy
If it has the old policy-
Change the IPS profile (on the profile section in TP policy) to -
Performance impact to :Medium and Lower and
Low confidence to : Inactive
After that please check you also change it in the custom policy.
Check Point confirmed that its development area is working on a FIX to correct this problem.
At the moment, they have it "mapped" only in version R81.10.
I hope this will help you in the future.
Cheers 🙂