I would see two different approaches.
First to write a script which calls cprid_util using those commands. Maybe in combination with mgmt_api getting a list of all checkpoint objects. There is an article somewhere here describing how to get this list.
I would prefer using cdt
with it you can send a bash script, in this case including the commands as
/bin/clish -s -c 'lock database override'
/bin/clish -s -c 'set snmp agent-version any'
and so on
then send the file using cdt and executing it afterwards.
To achieve this, you need two actions in the deployment plan
and execute_script
Just refer to the Central Deployment Tool (CDT) v1.6 Administration Guide
CDT start page is sk111158
I used this way to create a user for restorepoint backup, setting group id, password and so on, that works.
and now to something completely different - CCVS, CCAS, CCTE, CCCS, CCSM elite