While working with Maestro I have created the magg0 interface, the bond for management. This interface is connected to my mgmt subnet where my management, log server and monitoring/backup servers are. - I will assume this is pretty standard.
What I have come across in some customer enviroments is that this subnet actually also contains a router, and has quite a few other subnets availaable... why this is done, and if it is a good idea is another question - but related to migrating to a maestro solution my question is this:
Is there anything besides the magg interface bond is running on a xor lacp setup (bringing the bandwidth down in comparison to the other general bonds for production) that would prevent me from using this as any other interface ? I see that I have the option to add a override on the spoofing and attaching a group for my attached subnets.
So besides a somewhat different lacp setup - is there anything else related to the magg interface that I should consider related to the functionality of the firewall itself.
(To change the design of the l3 network is of course something I would like to do - but this is a timing issue and will probably trigger a project streching for months. )