Hi there,
I have some doubt about VSLS failover over Maestro dual site.
I have configured a security group with VSX and set it as VSLS "set chassis high-availability mode 3", I have some VS active on Chassis 1 and some other active on Chassis 2.
Running "show cluster members interfaces all" from a VS I see the following output:
CCP mode: Automatic
Required interfaces: 1
Required secured interfaces: 0
Interface Name: Status:
Sync (S) UP
bond1.200 (LS) DOWN
bond2.100 (LS) DOWN
Running "cphaprob stat" I see:
Cluster Mode: HA Over LS
ID Unique Address Assigned Load State Name
1 (local) 50% ACTIVE admin-ch01-01
2 50% ACTIVE admin-ch01-02
15 50% ACTIVE admin-ch02-01
16 50% ACTIVE admin-ch02-02
Actually I have all link down on both sites for maintenance but I see that VS is Active because is required only 1 interface on cluster.
Is this correct? Why default configuration have only 1 interface required even if I have 6 interfaces presents?
With VSLS configuration if all the slave of a bond interface on chassis 1 (where VS is active) goes down, VS have to failover over chassis 2. Is this correct?