Hello @Matlu ,
Sorry but your previous questions are not so innocent, since in my eyes shows lack of knowledge on network side.
Don't get me wrong, but IP and Netmask are bread-and-butter in networking, I really hope someone can prove me otherwise 😊, therefore I can't accept it.
Now on the routes, YOU CLEARLY DON'T HAVE SAME ROUTES ON THOSE BOXES (sorry for shouting), I mean really, on the WORKING box you show 3 routes while looking for the 10.49.2 (from which 2 are in discussion) and on the FAILING box you only have one... It's clearly visible right there.

Now with all those facts, and with you stating "Yes it works, changing the "/", now the route, in the bad GW, has the /24, and yes I have connectivity." strengthens my doubts, that you're not clear what are you doing there. So please either COMPARE and REPLICATE the routes between boxes, and take the WORKING box as reference, but don't add things that you don't know the impact of....
Thank you,
PS: I would "pull my hair out" for lack of knowledge, or due to that....
PS2: honestly, go back and gain knowledge to the bread-and-butter, it's good for you, not for me as I have my own baggage and learning path, since I started 😁
PS3: routes on GAIA do not replicate and you have to maintain them on both boxes....
PS4: get me a topology map and I could tell you more, as there are some things that doesn't make sense right now in this whole story with the SYNC and all others....