I had the same issue when I wanted to create a R80.20 MLM with 10TB disk. I followed the directions on CHeckMates about Other linux 3.0 64bit as the OS and using UEFI instead of Bios.
1. I could get the VM to boot to the ISO but what I found was there were no keyboard or pointer controls (even though they were listed in the VM settings.
2. If I when back to Bios - the Keyboard and pointer worked but the system would not reboot.
Yes, This was on a clean install. I was thinking that "Here we go again" I would need to create partition of 1.9TB an list the rest as secondary storage, use LVM after the build....
What I found was:
1. I built the systems as I described; 1.9TB and the rest as secondary storage.
2. When I booted the ISO and started the configuration - it asked me which of the 2 partitions I wanted the OS on. I choose the 1.9TB.
3. I was the presented with the sizing screen - with all my disk space available. I made my /var/log 9TB and finished the installation.
All was good - I had all the space allocated and I did not have to use the LVM utility. Quick and easy. I would have thought I could do all in one partition but this worked for me.