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R77.30 Take 286: New Jumbo Hotfix GA Release

A new General Availability Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator take for R77.30 (take_286) is available.

It includes important stability and Security software updates:

  • Support for TLS 1.2 - sk107166.
  • support for Smart-1 405 and 410 appliances - sk117578.
  • Support for Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP).
  • Improved MTA.
  • Support for Capsule Workspace App Wrapping - sk111558.
  • Support for Mobile Access Reverse Proxy -sk110348.


Take_286 is the latest General Availability release that can be directly downloaded from Check Point Cloud using CPUSE and from sk106162



CPUSE Identifier

CPUSE offline package


13 Sep 2017



Note: Effective Sep 25th 2017, the General Availability Take_286 is available for CPUSE online installation in Gaia Portal and Gaia Clish (it replaces Take_216).



  • For Threat Emulation customers that do not allow automatic updates from the cloud, and following the integration of TLS1.2 support,

it is important to update the Threat Emulation Engine according to the next SK: sk92509 - Offline updates for Threat Emulation images and engine.

28 Replies
Champion Champion

When I installed this Take_286 last Thursday, my SmartCenter CA broke. Neither sk33224 nor sk101833 solved the issue. So I reverted back to the previous Take_226 which solved it but broke my Gaia WebUI that worked previously.

I opened a Service Request last Friday and I'm still waiting for a Remote Session. Support wanted cpinfo -z -o cpinfo.gz, cpinfo -y all, migrate export and screen shot of the issue that I had already attached and then delayed this ever since. Hopefully they'll do a remote session tomorrow to look into it.



We have applied Take_282 to one of our customer, based on inputs from TAC last week. It seems to be very stable.

No issue till now. 

0 Kudos

Hello Danny,

I had the same problem installing the first take with TLS 1.2 Support (HFA 266).

After a rollback to my original HFA 225, and verify the symptoms of sk115732 and sk91380, none of them applied for me.

I did some research and to solve first I had to verify the parameter name was SSLMutex on file "/web/templates/httpd-ssl.conf.templ", this because on the new HFA the instruction SSLMutex is replaced by Mutex (this because of apache update):

[Expert@hostname:0]# cat /web/templates/httpd-ssl.conf.templ | grep SSLMutex
SSLMutex  file:/usr/local/apache2/logs/ssl_mutex

Then, I tried to start manually the httpd2 process:

[Expert@hostname:0]# /opt/CPshrd-R77/web/Apache/2.2.0/bin/httpd2 -k start -f /web/conf/httpd2.conf -D FOREGROUND

After executing this I got an error of corrupted library (and the path). I replace the library from another gateway with same version and HFA as original (R77.30 HFA 225) and after this the Gaia WebUI was accesible again.


0 Kudos
Champion Champion

Thanks for your response. The Gaia WebUI issue was fixed in JHF Take 286 (see Release Notes). My issue is that it introduced another issue with the SmartCenter CA. I'm still waiting for Check Point R&D to provide a Remote Session in order to fix it.

I also upgraded another Customer to JHF Take 286 today without any issues. Fingers crossed.    


Great to hear that! Please let us know the news about your CA issues. Also had customers with old GA HFA because of this.


0 Kudos

I missed the OCSP part in the updated SK.

Good to hear it is now part of the mainstream JHF.

<< We make miracles happen while you wait. The impossible jobs take just a wee bit longer. >>
0 Kudos
Champion Champion

In Dameon Welch Abernathy's post also missing for all ThreatEmulation E-Mail users is the following addition to his Notes:

Check your custom postfix modifications after the upgrade.

This JHF GA also includes a known issue with emulation of links in email - sk118280:


It is therefore important to disable “Emulation of links in email” until the TE engine 6.9 (currently EA) is deployed when installing this JHF GA build: $FWDIR/conf/mail_security_config

2.add “te_mta_emulate_links_inside_emails=0” under "[mta]" section

3.Save and install policy

4. When TE engine 6.9 is deployed revert the above setting, Save and install policy.


Thanks for including that important detail.

0 Kudos
Champion Champion

Yes, I learned it the hard way today. Had to have the virtual.db recreated and everything.

Btw, I like Badges

0 Kudos

You deserve one Smiley Happy

0 Kudos

I saw this issue on the MTA of one of my customers and as written in the SK there is also a fix available!

So why not head for the custom fix? Why disable emulation of links-inside-mails instead?

0 Kudos
Champion Champion

Because adding one line to $FWDIR/conf/mail_security_config is so much quicker to solve the issue when the customer is already suffering instead of contacting Check Point Support to wait for getting a custom built and JHF specific Hotfix for this issue that needs to be requested of each single JHF take and customer environment again. Also you have no dependencies regarding custom Hotfixes installed on top of a JHF takes and therefore much more control about what is actually configured and running on your highly critical firewall system.


Ok, so I think your solution is a workaround for customers, who don't want to install the hotfix or have to wait for it to be ported for their environment.

Another workaround would be to disable ".com" extension for profile of MTA to be emulated (That's what we did in this case).

0 Kudos

Yes, i have the same issue.
the threat emulation policy was completely wiped clean, and had to recreate everything.
After creation mails got blocked when passing through threat emulation and MTA.

when an emulation error occurred, valid mails got blocked !

I can concur that "te_mta_emulate_links_inside_emails=0" helped me to disable the option "links inside mails".
Because the option can't be modified from the point where it used to be -> in the TE policy.

Also, smartlog stopped logging after the upgrade and i had to reboot or even do a sic reset for some gateways...


Danny - Has your management CA issue been resolved?


0 Kudos
Champion Champion

Not yet. Check Point Support couldn't troubleshoot it on the production system so they are now trying to recreate the issue in their lab which can take a while. I'm currently providing more and more backup / debug files.

Also we encountered a new issue with R77.30 JHF (Take 286) today. If you are using the Giraffe_V2 GA Hotfix for Identity Awareness Agents (pdpd daemon issue), you can't upgrade to Take 286 yet as Giraffe_V2 wasn't integrated into it and can't be installed on top of it and Giraffe_V3 is not available yet nor has an ETA. Only other option is to go straight to R80.10.

0 Kudos

Are you working with TAC on the incompatibility with the Identity Collector hotfix?

For those wondering what we're talking about: Identity Collector - Technical Overview 

In general, it's always a good idea to engage with the TAC in a situation where you are using hotfixes that conflict with the current Jumbo Hotfix.

0 Kudos

Hi Danny,

we have just released giraffe_v3 which is compatible with JHF 286.



Royi Priov
R&D Group manager, Infinity Identity

Can you please provide a link to this.. I have a customer intent on using identity collector for cisco ISE; my recommendations have been that one cannot update to T286 because it's unsupported (according to the documentation):

Release notes:

TAGS ARE REQUIRED --> Check Point Software Technologies: Download Center 

"This Hotfix is validated only for R77.30 with Jumbo Hotfix Take 95. If you want to change this environment, you must first consult with your Check Point partner or vendor. This release is built for the specific environment. Upgrades or other changes can overwrite Hotfix functionality and environment customizations."

0 Kudos

I received a copy of Giraffe_V3 from opening a ticket.

0 Kudos

we installed JBHF286 to 3 clusters 2 gateways and 3 management appliances about a week ago, so far no issues to report.


Have you seen any improvements with HTTPS inspection post JBHF286?

0 Kudos

Installed JHF 286 a couple of weeks ago. We had to uninstall Hotfix_sk111292_FULL. After that, we cannot manage 1100 appliances any more. Ticket still open with no progress the last days.

0 Kudos
Champion Champion

Regarding my SmartCenter CA issue, TAC/RnD couldn't recreate the issue in its lab and finally advised to do a fresh install of the entire SmartCenter server. This solved the issue.
0 Kudos

Conflicts with SK109713 vSEC central license patches, this is not documented in the release notes.

If you are using vSEC central licenses for AWS/Azure and have the SK109713 patch installed, this patch cannot be installed. If you attempt to install T286 first.. then install the vSEC patch, it will still conflict.

I am yet to find a solution to this.

A fix conflict was detected during pre-install validation.
To prevent system instability, installation will not continue.
Please contact Check Point support with the following information:

HF 'Check R77_30_JUMBO_HF

Conflicts with hotfix VSEC_CENTRAL_LIC_001 - details:

Checking for conflicts between new file: /var/log/tmp/bundle_tmpdir_CheckPoint#CPUpdates#All#6.0#4#0#BUNDLE_R77_30_JUMBO_HF#286_CBmzEy/fw1/crs.xml
And existing inventory log: /opt/CPsuite-R77/conf/crs.xml

A fix conflict was detected during pre-install validation.
To prevent system instability, installation will not continue.
Please contact Check Point support with the following information:

HF 'Check R77_30_JUMBO_HF

0 Kudos

Ok, I have found a workaround for this just FYI

First install the Take 286 Jumbo HFA.

Then install the Management Add-On T204.

Then Install the VSEC license patch.

This succeeds.


0 Kudos


I have some trouble upon installing hot fix take 286. i cannot access my web gui upon installation. How i can resolved this problem? My previous hot fix before i installed is take 216. How i can revert this using CLI. Thank you.

Please see below screenshot for cpinfo.

0 Kudos

To uninstall a package from the CLI:

  1. List the names and the sequence numbers of the installed packages: type installer uninstall and press the TAB key.
  2. Uninstall a package: installer uninstall {<num> | <package>} [not-interactive]

    You can run the command with either the sequence number or the name of the package, and either in interactive (default) or non-interactive mode.

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