Hello Danny,
I had the same problem installing the first take with TLS 1.2 Support (HFA 266).
After a rollback to my original HFA 225, and verify the symptoms of sk115732 and sk91380, none of them applied for me.
I did some research and to solve first I had to verify the parameter name was SSLMutex on file "/web/templates/httpd-ssl.conf.templ", this because on the new HFA the instruction SSLMutex is replaced by Mutex (this because of apache update):
[Expert@hostname:0]# cat /web/templates/httpd-ssl.conf.templ | grep SSLMutex
SSLMutex file:/usr/local/apache2/logs/ssl_mutex
Then, I tried to start manually the httpd2 process:
[Expert@hostname:0]# /opt/CPshrd-R77/web/Apache/2.2.0/bin/httpd2 -k start -f /web/conf/httpd2.conf -D FOREGROUND
After executing this I got an error of corrupted library (and the path). I replace the library from another gateway with same version and HFA as original (R77.30 HFA 225) and after this the Gaia WebUI was accesible again.