Ok, we were finally "forced" to go ahead and upgrade our gateways from R80.10 to R80.30 for fairly small things - we wanted to be ale to use O365 Updatable Object (instead of home grown scripts) and improve Domain (FQDN) object performance issues when all FWK cores were making DNS queries causing a lot of alerts (see https://community.checkpoint.com/t5/General-Topics/Domain-objects-in-R80-10-spamming-DNS/m-p/19786)
Positive things - upgrades were smooth and painless - both on regular gateways and VSX.
All regular gateways seems to be performing as before, but I have to be honest that they are "over-dimensioned" and having rather powerfull HW for the job - 5900 with 16 cores.
VSX though threw couple of surprises.
SXL medium path usage. CPU jumped from <30% to above 50% on the busiest VS that only has FW and IA blades enabled. Ok, there is also VPN but only one connection:

I haven't spent enough time digging into it but for some reason 1/3 of all connections took medium path whereas before in R80.10 it was nearly all fully accelerated. And most of it was HTTPS (95%) with next most used LDAP-SSL (2%)
I used the SXL fast accelerator feature (thanks @HeikoAnkenbrand https://community.checkpoint.com/t5/General-Topics/R80-x-Performance-Tuning-Tip-SecureXL-Fast-Accele...) to exclude our proxies and some other nets and you can see that on friday CPU load was reduced by 10% but nowhere near what it used to be.
I just find it impossible to explain why would gateway with only FW blade enabled start to to throw all (by the looks of it) traffic via PXL. And statistics are a bit funny too:

FQDN alerts in logs. I can definitely confirm that only one core now is doing DNS lookups (against all DNS server you have defined, in our case 2). But we are still getting a lot of alerts like these: Firewall - Domain resolving error. Check DNS configuration on the gateway (0)

Especially after I enabled updatable object for O365 in the rulebase.
As said before - I have not spent too much time on this as we had other "fun" stuff to deal with on our chassis, so it's fairly "raw". I will report more once I had some answers