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speed up update ?

We are running a Maestro environment 2x MHOs, 5 SGMs in one security group, VSX, R81.10 Jumbo take 95, 5 private hotfixes.

We want to update the whole environment to Jumbo take 130. 4 of the private fixes are included in take 130. For one we need a new private hotfix. The normal update procedure:

- uninstall all 5 private hotfixes one by one

- install take 130

- install the one private hotfix (customizeded for take 130)

Every install requires a reboot and the whole process takes around 20min for every install / uninstall. This will result in very long running process for 5 SGMs (140min per SGM).

Can we speed up the process removing SGMs from SG and adding them back ?

Is it possible to update the SGM holding the SMO first and then update the other via image-cloning ?

We had an advice from PS not using auto-image-cloning with VSX. Auto-cloning is now disabled but maybe we can enable this temporarily for the update process?

Any other advice to speed up the update process is welcome.

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