Thanks Magnus. One cluster connects to several different switch fabrics all of which are managed by a separate team. The main fabric is Cisco ACI, managed via the APIC directly - while I would prefer to use the ACI API and prepare port profiles to add/remove VLANs from the network fabric (or modify the VLAN ACL from a non-ACI switch) unfortunately it's not that simple and we have to lock in our add/remove VLAN changes days in advance with that team.
Hence my desire to manage the interface state from the gateway - we've successfully done this on non-VSX gateways managed in-band (i.e. managed via a sub-interface on a bond) and was hoping to apply the same principle here, however it's not supported in VSX without either "set vsx off" (which I will most likely need) or stopping/starting individual Virtual Systems. I think my above plan is as simple as it can get, but will probably be best to shut down the new bond rather than each individual interface on the new cluster. The old cluster will still need 14 individual interfaces shut down. Due to the inherited, unnecessarily complicated path used to access the manager via a Citrix published app behind another VS, we will also need to flip the VS0 management IP to the new cluster, remove the default route and add a bunch of statics via that management VS - I have vsx_provisioning_tool transactions prepared for this and they work well (at least they did on the R80 build I tested 6 months ago, I have since found the provisioning tool output has changed just to keep us on our toes).
I use sed (Linux stream editor) instead of NP++/vscode as we have 50+ VS and several hundred interfaces to re-map (including access ports to a VLAN on the new port channel), with the number of lines automation is key to accuracy.
I find these jobs seem simple on the surface but once you get into the detail nothing works as expected (R80 change_interface script regressions from R77, bugs in fw vsx sicreset, an SK to resolve another SK that doesn't work in R80, renamed interfaces disappearing, output from Gaia show config not usable as input, unable to restore MDS because the source machine has _AUTOUDPATE hotfixes, the reconfigure script failing due to a bad copy of appi_db.C after reset_gw and having to find a good copy from a working VSX member of the exact same FW and HF version...).