this is the difference in cpiew --help
On R77.30 jumbo 292:
Usage: cpview [ [-t [<timestamp>]] | [-c <conf_file>] | [-p] ] | [-b [-t <sec> [-i <count>] [-j] [-l <filesize>] ] | [-s]] | [history [on] | [off] | [stat]]
-t Show history content. Show oldest available content, or from a given <timestamp>
<timestamp> format: [Jan..Dec] [01..31] [4-digit Year] [hh:mm:ss]
-c Loads configuration from <conf_file>
-p Prints all cpview data
-b Print batch statistics data
-t In the background, data is dumped into logs. Time interval is <sec> seconds before the new dump info is generated. The value of <sec> must be greater than 30. The log is saved to var/log/cpview
-i Limit dump info to <count> times
-j Compresses the generated logs after you run cpview -b -s to stop the instance
-l Change log file size limit to <filesize>MB (default: 1024MB)
-s Stops "cpview -b" instance that runs in the background
history Controls the history daemon
on Starts the history daemon
off Stops the history daemon
stat Check whether history daemon is activated
export Export the history database
This is on R80.30 (no jumbo)
-h [ --help ] Display this help and exit
-t [ --history ] History mode
-s [ --services ] arg on - Turn on CPView Services
off - Turn off CPView Services
stat - Show stat
export - Export the DB
Just to be sure I also checked a R80.20 take 91:
Usage: cpview [ [-t [<timestamp>]] | [-c <conf_file>] | [-p] ] | [-b [-t <sec> [-i <count>] [-j] [-l <filesize>] ] | [-s]] | [history [on] | [off] | [stat]]
-t Show history content. Show oldest available content, or from a given <timestamp>
<timestamp> format: [Jan..Dec] [01..31] [4-digit Year] [hh:mm:ss]
-c Loads configuration from <conf_file>
-p Prints all cpview data
-b Print batch statistics data
-t Show history content. Show oldest available content, or from a given <timestamp>
-i Limit dump info to <count> times
-j Compresses the generated logs after you run cpview -b -s to stop the instance
-l Change log file size limit to <filesize>MB (default: 1024MB)
-s Stops "cpview -b" instance that runs in the background
history Controls the history daemon
on Starts the history daemon
off Stops the history daemon
stat Check whether history daemon is activated
export Export the history database
Looks like R80.30 lost some functionality, jumbo 19 also shows the minimal version like shown above, I don't have a R80.30 with jumbo 50 yet.
Regards, Maarten