Hey guys,
Hope someone might be able to chime in on this and let me know what Im missing. Not sure if its a bug with latest R81.20 jumbo, but based on my tests and logic, does not appear to be and here is my reasoning.
So I have couple of labs in eve-ng (its FANTASTIC and no, they did not sponsor me or pay me to say this, they probably never even heard of me lol) and this is the case at the moment:
Lab 1 (with the issue) Btw, everything in both labs is on R81.20 jumbo 38
mgmt server managing cluster, another single gw and smart event
Lab 2 - no issues at all. Its standalone device managing another single firewall, EXACT same TP policy
So what happens is that regular access network policy works fine, but TP policy gives below errors and I literally applied all SKs I could find in KB, rebooted everything probably 3-4 times (at least), ran cpm script, checked cpm.elg file, but nothing really stands out.
I also attempted all the different TP profiles, but as soon as I disable IPS blade on both gateways, no issues at all. To add, policy was not changed since last week and verification works fine. Current threat prevention profile has IPS and AV on, but even with just ips, issue is exactly the same. I also tried disabling accelerated policy install, no joy.
If anyone has any ideas/suggestions, would be appreciated, of course.
And remember...ALWAYS be kind to one another!
Best regards,