Hello @Blason_R, thanks for your comments
I repeat the example and give more details.
Before building a Cluster, each Node has:
Firewall Node1: with a single Mac, example: 00:1c:7f:83:d5:89.
The Node 2 Firewall:, with a unique MAC, example, 00:1c:7f:83:d5:72.
Therefore you have a different MAC for each Firewall in their respective Node1 Eth1 of Firewall Node 1, and another Eth1 Node 2 Firewall, both with their respective and unique IP, and with their respective and unique MAC.
Now when you build the Cluster, generate a VIP for that network.
In other words, the VIP IP will be, with its unique VMAC/MAC of the VIP and its IP members will be IP and IP
Now if I go to Node1 and Node2, and run a show interface eth1, I see the IP and MAC/VMAC of, but not the MAC of their respective member IPs, that is, I no longer see the MAC of the interfaces eth1, IP nor By running show interface eth1 or show interfaces all. I only keep seeing the VIPs, do you understand me?
What I want to know is like in a Cluster, where I know that IP is the VIP and the member IPs are and, what I need is to be able to see the original and unique MAC of each Node of its eth1 interface, that is, NODE1 and its unique MAC (not of the VIP) and in NODE2, with IP, to be able to see its unique MAC (not of the VIP).
That's what I need to be able to get from the firewalls.
Both the MAC/VMAC of the VIP, example, and the unique MAC of each node, that is, MAC and MAC
With the show interface or show interface all command, it shows me the VIP, if I run it on each firewall, not the only one for each firewall, which is what I need, the only one for each node, it only shows me the VIP.
-FW-Node1===eth1===IP -your unique MAC ( 00:1c:7f:83:d5:89 )
-FW-Node2===eth1===IP - your unique MAC ( 00:1c:7f:83:d5:72 )
-VIP Cluster===eth1===IP ( VIP su VMAC/MAC 00:1c:7f:83:d5:f2)
So that information I need, the Unique IP and MAC of the member nodes individually, and also the VIP IP/VIP/VMAC/MAC.
Thank you, I hope with the detail, my point has been a little clearer
Thank you for your time and for your collaboration.
Kind regards @CE_SE @PhoneBoy @the_rock