Hello Check Mates,
we have seen on three occasions that the SAML authentication method fails for Client VPN after upgrading to a new Jumbo or reinstalling the gateway from scratch (fresh install).
Reason for our fresh install was to get rid of the ext3 filesystem which we have on very old and long running firewalls.
since we rely on special custom hotfixes we are stuck to run at R81.10 HFA 110
we get this error message:


The error lookalike depends on how the embedded browser is built into the VPN Client, sometimes its the full browser which shows and error, sometimes the browser is embedded into the VPN client itself.
It is very hard to restore the SAML login option.
Its more like a guessing game to remove the SAML authentication from the gateway, push policy again and adding SAML again. or do many reboot or fail overs. I cannot really say what brings it back ... its more a random success to have the SAML portal working again.
anyone from the audience has seen this before?
since it struck us 3 times now, i think there is indeed a systemic reason behind it.
after some discoveries i found some interessting hints:
i see way too little Multiportals running ???
active member with broken SAML portal |
working member set to standby to check behavior |
[Expert@XXXY1:0:ACTIVE]# mpclient list DLPSenderPortal SecurePlatform UserCheck nac nac_transparent_auth saml-vpn |
[Expert@XXXZ2:0:STANDBY]# mpclient list DLPSenderPortal ExchangeRegistration ReverseProxyClear ReverseProxySSL SecurePlatform UserCheck nac nac_transparent_auth saml-vpn sslvpn |
when i check if the paths for the SAML portal do exist ... i get disappointed on the newly installed active member they missing, also some directories are not there.

path is:
[Expert@XXXY1:0:ACTIVE]# find / -name ServiceProvider\*
[Expert@XXXZ2:0:STANDBY]# find / -name ServiceProvider\*
so it seems the directories and files to run the SAML portal where just not created ... how come?
TAC has to be involved ...
best regards