I have been running Dynamic Dispatch since it was in EA and GA on two cluster members on a physical 5800 appliances.
I am building infrastructure firewalls to protect my active directory security domains.
Today I upgraded my VSEC/IaaS cluster from 4 cores (1 snd and 3 fw cores) to be running 8 cores in total (2 snd and 6 fw) and it raised a reminder maybe I can too run Dynamic Dispatch on my VSEC/IaaS om my vmware VSAN datacenter environment.
Is that even possible or does it have to be physical hardware and not virtuel?
VSEC/IaaS are from the Cloud Guard VE iso / ova packages downloaded from Check Point support center and not installed as traditional iso with Gaia setup.
Dynamic Dispatch just works and ir splits the load between SND and FW walker. I was thinking maybe this will provide even better performance.
Looking for hearing your take on this..
Best Regards