We are experiencing high memory on the checkpoint gateway. Is there any way to help me determine where the problem is coming from?
top - 10:35:12 up 92 days, 12:08, 2 users, load average: 1.52, 1.58, 1.77
Tasks: 439 total, 5 running, 434 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 14.7 us, 17.6 sy, 0.0 ni, 65.5 id, 0.1 wa, 0.4 hi, 1.7 si, 0.0 st
KiB Mem : 16103716 total, 466504 free, 14039728 used, 1597484 buff/cache
KiB Swap: 18314096 total, 15685232 free, 2628864 used. 847784 avail Mem
[Expert@CP01-DC:0]# fw ctl pstat
System Capacity Summary:
Memory used: 31% (3714 MB out of 11794 MB) - below watermark
Concurrent Connections: 43237 (Unlimited)
Aggressive Aging is enabled, not active
Hash kernel memory (hmem) statistics:
Total memory allocated: 9389711360 bytes in 2292410 (4096 bytes) blocks using 28 pools
Initial memory allocated: 1233125376 bytes (Hash memory extended by 8156585984 bytes)
Memory allocation limit: 9893314560 bytes using 512 pools
Total memory bytes used: 0 unused: 9389711360 (100.00%) peak: 8645027692
Total memory blocks used: 0 unused: 2292410 (100%) peak: 2199743
Allocations: 3389915620 alloc, 0 failed alloc, 3374631666 free
System kernel memory (smem) statistics:
Total memory bytes used: 10780832852 peak: 11308780672
Total memory bytes wasted: 24842233
Blocking memory bytes used: 20210988 peak: 39485544
Non-Blocking memory bytes used: 10760621864 peak: 11269295128
Allocations: 3227253133 alloc, 77714 failed alloc, 3227239371 free, 0 failed free
vmalloc bytes used: 10747628824 expensive: no
Kernel memory (kmem) statistics:
Total memory bytes used: 2655206284 peak: 9773745088
Allocations: 2322130575 alloc, 77714 failed alloc
2306836296 free, 0 failed free
External Allocations:
Packets: 5873472, SXL: 42694129, Reorder: 0
Zeco: 0, SHMEM: 2176, Resctrl: 0
ADPDRV: 0, PPK_CI: 21687296, PPK_CORR: 0
3272683183 total, 2242411118 alloc, 2242411113 free,
4245197740 dup, 4224582676 get, 3200551896 put,
3844423159 len, 1392529571 cached len, 0 chain alloc,
0 chain free
2680984847 total, 2242345821 TCP, 424945556 UDP, 13688072 ICMP,
5398 other, 40506 anticipated, 13729907 recovered, 43237 concurrent,
299055 peak concurrent
68566949 fragments, 28733128 packets, 913 expired, 0 short,
0 large, 0 duplicates, 0 failures
924820233/0 forw, 866554258/0 bckw, 30997886350 tcpudp,
194232499 icmp, 3678309943-1467276686 alloc
Sync: Run "cphaprob syncstat" for cluster sync statistics.