Hi team,
Object : Default gateway beyond network scope
ios GAIA : 80.10 - VNIC in bridge configuration with ESXi
I want to implement the following configuration for my WAN interface:
IP: 54.39.~.~
Gateway: 192.99.~.254
This interface is linked to my ESXi NIC (bridge mode) whose IP address is 192.99.~.~ I tried different solutions to hard-modify interface and routing configuration without effect:
I modify this file:
I still got:
default gateway eth1 preference 192.99....254 preference 1;
I also modify /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
I do not want to get out by means of pfsense on but with my ESXi interface gateway. I know that this configuration is not a RFC common configuration and had to work hard to find a solution on pfsense ; on pfsense it works now Checkpoint is a RHEL completely modified knowing that it is similar to Quagga. I could put Quagga as an external router but i want to solve this issue. Not a lot of information on the web considering this point.
Basic commands like this one doesn't work:
set static-route default nexthop gateway address 192.99.~.254 priority 1 on
set static-route default nexthop gateway address off
First email address: gregory.morilleau@alliacom.com
Second email address: gregory.morilleau@axians.com