A question about how many physical ports are down before a bond is shown down.
In the examples for how to build bond groups it show two interface been bonded and when issuing a 'cphaprob show_bond' (show cluster bond all from clish) it shows 2 interfaces configures and interfaces required been 1.
uch as;
Bond name | Mode | Sate |Slaves configured |Slaves link up |Slaves required
bond100.100 | Load Sharing | UP | 2 | 2 | 1
bond110.200 | Load Sharing | UP | 4 | 4 | 3
This from my testing means that a single interface been down will not show the bond interface as down but as 'UP!' - Bond interface us UP yet attention required.
Bond name | Mode | Sate |Slaves configured |Slaves link up |Slaves required
bond100.100 | Load Sharing | UP ! | 2 | 1 | 1
bond110.200 | Load Sharing | UP | 4 | 4 | 3
I also have a bond group configured using four interfaces, so when running the command it shows as four up but three required. Is there anyway to change the number of required interfaces, so the device would stay active with two interfaces down, so 'required' been 2 rather than 3?
Bond name | Mode | Sate |Slaves configured |Slaves link up |Slaves required
bond100.100 | Load Sharing | UP | 2 | 2 | 1
bond110.200 | Load Sharing | DOWN | 4 | 2 | 3
Searching the knowledge base is drawing a blank for me, anyone know of a SK that could assist?