I believe there are no specific drawbacks for disabling it, as it was originally disabled in the old version.
The option was added for chrome to use the X25519Kyber768 post-quantum secure key encapsulation mechanism for TLS connections to add layer to security by default. In chrome/edge this is used for both QUIC and HTTPS.
After doing some research, it seems the option to disable this flag in Chrome is scheduled to be removed by end of 2024,so WEB servers/devices are expected to be fixed to adapt to this new behavior.
This was a good article btw to understand what's going on.
Being said, I believe HTTPS categorization on TLS1.3 should work without using SSL Inspection and it seems to me that the firewall is unable to inspect the SSL handshake when Kyber768 is used.
I'm assuming we can access the site because we have fail-mode enabled in the engine settings, and will get a connection-reset instead if we have the fail-mode configured to block all requests.
Does USFW have the capabilities to categorize this type of connection as we could before? (w/o using Full SSLINS)
If so, can we expect a hotfix for environments that cannot switch to USFW, like Embedded Gaia?
I could not find any Kyber related keywords in existing SKs or in R81.10/R81.20 releases notes that addresses such behavior.
Asking here because we have no response yet from TAC 🙂