Now you can use the new command "g_bash" and "g_cli" to execute bash or clish commands on gateway from the management server. All you have to do is copy and paste the above lines to the management server. After that you have two new commands on the management server. Here you can now centrally execute simple commands on all gateways which are connected via SIC with the management.
You only need to enter the IP address of the gateways and the command will be executed there.
Cppy and paste this lines to the management server or download the script "new_commands.sh" and execute the script.
echo "echo Gateways configured in policy:" > /usr/local/bin/g_show
echo "more $FWDIR/conf/objects.C |grep -A 20 -B 1 ':type (gateway)' | grep ipaddr | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' | sed 's/\:ipaddr (//' |sed 's/)//'" >> /usr/local/bin/g_show
chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/g_show
echo '#!/bin/bash' > /usr/local/bin/g_bash
echo "more $FWDIR/conf/objects.C |grep -A 20 -B 1 ':type (gateway)' | grep ipaddr | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' | sed 's/\:ipaddr (//' |sed 's/)//' > /var/log/g_gateway.txt" >> /usr/local/bin/g_bash
echo 'HAtest="$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9"' >> /usr/local/bin/g_bash
echo 'if grep -xq $1 /var/log/g_gateway.txt; then' >> /usr/local/bin/g_bash
echo "echo \$HAtest > /var/log/g_command.txt;" >> /usr/local/bin/g_bash
echo "\$CPDIR/bin/cprid_util -server \$1 putfile -local_file /var/log/g_command.txt -remote_file /var/log/g_command.txt;" >> /usr/local/bin/g_bash
echo "\$CPDIR/bin/cprid_util -server \$1 -verbose rexec -rcmd /bin/bash -f /var/log/g_command.txt;" >> /usr/local/bin/g_bash
echo "else" >> /usr/local/bin/g_bash
echo "echo This is not a gateway IP. Use an IP of following list:;" >> /usr/local/bin/g_bash
echo "more /var/log/g_gateway.txt" >> /usr/local/bin/g_bash
echo "fi" >> /usr/local/bin/g_bash
chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/g_bash
echo '#!/bin/bash' > /usr/local/bin/g_cli
echo "more $FWDIR/conf/objects.C |grep -A 20 -B 1 ':type (gateway)' | grep ipaddr | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' | sed 's/\:ipaddr (//' |sed 's/)//' > /var/log/g_gateway.txt" >> /usr/local/bin/g_cli
echo 'HAtest="$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9"' >> /usr/local/bin/g_cli
echo 'if grep -xq $1 /var/log/g_gateway.txt; then' >> /usr/local/bin/g_cli
echo "echo \$HAtest > /var/log/g_command.txt;" >> /usr/local/bin/g_cli
echo "\$CPDIR/bin/cprid_util -server \$1 putfile -local_file /var/log/g_command.txt -remote_file /var/log/g_command.txt;" >> /usr/local/bin/g_cli
echo "\$CPDIR/bin/cprid_util -server \$1 -verbose rexec -rcmd /bin/clish -f /var/log/g_command.txt;" >> /usr/local/bin/g_cli
echo "else" >> /usr/local/bin/g_cli
echo "echo This is not a gateway IP. Use an IP of following list:;" >> /usr/local/bin/g_cli
echo "more /var/log/g_gateway.txt" >> /usr/local/bin/g_cli
echo "fi" >> /usr/local/bin/g_cli
chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/g_cli
Command syntax:
Command |
Description |
# g_show |
show all gateway IP addresses |
# g_bash <gateway IP> <command> |
execute expert mode command on gateway |
# g_cli <gateway IP> <command> |
execute clish command on gateway |
An example!
You want to see the configuration of the gateway with IP from the management.
So you only have to enter the following command:
Management# g_cli show configuration |
Now the command "show configuration" is executed on the gateway and the output is displayed on the management server.
The same also works for the expert mode. For example:
Management# g_bash cphaprob stat |
Show all gateway IP addresses. For example:
Management# g_show
Show all gateways configured in policy:
More "Easy Tools":
- Easy Backup Tool - (migrate export + all GAIA configs) -> Easy backup of all gateway GAIA configs + migrate export with one CLI command.
- Easy execute CLI commands on all gateways simultaneously -> Now you can use the new command to execute bash or clish commands on all gateway simultaneously.
- Easy execute CLI commands from management on gateways -> Easy execute CLI commands from management on gateways
- Mobile User License Tool - replaced "dtps lic" -> It displays all Secure Client, SSL VPN and Mobile Access Portal licenses in total (sum) on the SMS.
- Easy View Tool - (system infos from all gateways simultaneously) -> This toll shows you quickly an overview of status information of all your gateways with only one CLI command.
Video tutorial:
Copyright by Heiko Ankenbrand 1996-2019
➜ CCSM Elite, CCME, CCTE ➜ www.checkpoint.tips