Had a customer in need for a list of available updatable Objects, known by Mgmt server so internal customers are able to request their rules with the correct object names.
So I wrote this small script for fetching UO Repositories and putting them into a csv file.
Filter option (ie to only get objects at AWS) is possible
In case someone needs something similar.

Usage and prerequisites:
python3.x with modules:
Basic usage:
python py_cp-updatable-objects.py -H <Host IP/Name> (-U/--user <user>) -P/--password <auth credential> (if API key, use only "-P", else password for "--user") show repositories (-f <string to filter for, i.e. "Azure">)
python py_cp-updatable-objects.py -H -P s3cr3tk3Y show repositories -f Azure
possible use cases:
- providing this to rule change requester to request the correct source / destinations
- just having an eye of what is possible to import
- (coming later) - having an eye of what is imported
- (coming later) - having an eye of last update occured to specific objects