In the past days I have been working on a CLI script that can display all Secure Client, SSL VPN and Mobile Access Portal license information centrally. This script creates a new command on the management server to read the licenses. It displays all Secure Client, SSL VPN and Mobile Access Portal licenses in total (sum). Furthermore if a connection to the gateway can be established, it can read out the currently used user counters and peaks on the gateway. It replaces the old "dtps lic" tool.
This tool checks the following licenses and user counters central on the SMS:
- Secure Client
If you execute the script via "copy and past" on the management server or start the auto install script, a new CLI command "sclic" is created. Afterwards you can use this command to display all licenses in an overview. If you give this CLI command "sclic" the IP address of the gateway, the current data of the gateway will be read. You have to use the IP address of the gateway from the topology. All available gateways from the topology can be displayed with the option -g.
- Eval licenses are not displayed.
- It doesn't currently work with VSX systems but I am working on it.
- Please note that the execution of the command may take a few seconds. This is a normal behaviour.
Syntax |
Description |
sclic -g |
The option -g shows all possible remote gateways from the topology (for option <remote gateway ip address>) |
sclic - s <remote gateway ip address> |
The option -s shows the number of logged in users and the peak value of the gateway for Secure Client, SSLVPN, Mobile Access Portal. Furthermore, existing licenses on the management server are displayed for Secure Client and SSLVPN. IP address of the gateway from the topology (which is used to connect the gateway from/to the management) |
sclic -r <remote gateway ip address>
The option -r shows the full license informations from a remote gateway. |
sclic -m |
The option -m shows the full license informations from the SMS |
sclic |
Shows the available Secure Client, SSL VPN and Mobile Access Portal licenses summary on the management server. |
# sclic - s

# sclic -g

# sclic -r

Use this auto installer script on the management server as CLI command:
curl_cli -k http://www.ankenbrand24.de/inst_sclic > /tmp/inst_sclic && chmod 770 /tmp/inst_sclic && /tmp/inst_sclic
Or "copy and past" the following script block to your management server:
cat <<EOT > /usr/local/bin/sclic
printf '%.s-' {1..78};echo;
echo '- Mobile User License Tool v1.0 - Copyright Heiko Ankenbrand 2020 -';
printf '%.s-' {1..78};echo;
while [[ \$# -gt 0 ]]
case \$key in
shift # past argument
echo;echo 'Gateways from topology:';echo;
mgmt_cli -r true show gateways-and-servers details-level full --format json | \$CPDIR/jq/jq -r '.objects[] | select(.type | contains("Member","simple-gateway")) | ."ipv4-address",."name" ' |xargs -n 2 | grep -v 0.0.0. | awk '{print \$1 "\t\t" \$2}' ;
echo;printf '%.s-' {1..78};echo;
shift # past argument
echo;echo "Licenses on management server:";echo;
cplic print;
printf '%.s-' {1..78};echo;
shift # past argument
shift # past value
$CPDIR/bin/cprid_util -server \$REMOTEIP -verbose rexec -rcmd bash -c 'cplic print' > /tmp/cplic_print_lic.txt ;
if [ ! -s /tmp/cplic_print_lic.txt ]
echo;echo 'This IP is not from a gateway. Use the option "sclic -g" to show all gateways.';echo;
echo; echo -n "Licenses on gateway "; echo -n \$REMOTEIP;echo ":";echo;
more /tmp/cplic_print_lic.txt
printf '%.s-' {1..78};echo;
shift # past argument
shift # past value
$CPDIR/bin/cprid_util -server \$REMOTEIP -verbose rexec -rcmd bash -c 'fw tab -t userc_users -s' |grep localhost > /tmp/sclic.txt ;
if [ ! -s /tmp/sclic.txt ]
echo;echo 'This IP is not from a gateway. Use the option "sclic -g" to show all gateways.';
$CPDIR/bin/cprid_util -server \$REMOTEIP -verbose rexec -rcmd bash -c 'fw tab -t sslt_om_ip_params -s' |grep localhost > /tmp/snxlic.txt ;
$CPDIR/bin/cprid_util -server \$REMOTEIP -verbose rexec -rcmd bash -c 'fw tab -t cvpn_session -s' |grep localhost > /tmp/moblic.txt ;
echo; echo -n "User counters on gateway "; echo -n \$REMOTEIP;echo ":";echo;
echo -n ' Endpoint Security VPN (SecureClient) now on the gateway : ';
more /tmp/sclic.txt | awk {'print \$4'};
echo -n ' Endpoint Security VPN users on the gateway (peak) : ';
more /tmp/sclic.txt | awk {'print \$5'};
if [ ! -s /tmp/snxlic.txt ]
echo -n '';
echo -n ' SNX (SSL VPN not MOB) users now on the gateway : ';
more /tmp/snxlic.txt | awk {'print \$4'};
echo -n ' SNX (SSLVPN not MOB) users on the gateway (peak) : ';
more /tmp/snxlic.txt | awk {'print \$5'};
if [ ! -s /tmp/moblic.txt ]
echo -n '';
echo -n ' Mobile Access Portal users now on the gateway : ';
more /tmp/moblic.txt | awk {'print \$4'};
echo -n ' Mobile Access Portal users on the gateway (peak) : ';
more /tmp/moblic.txt | awk {'print \$5'};
printf '%.s-' {1..78};echo;
*) # unknown option
#echo "Unbekannt"
POSITIONAL+=("\$1") # save it in an array for later
shift # past argument
if [ \$SHOW_SUM == "1" ]
echo;echo 'Remote Access Licenses on SMS:';echo;
echo -n ' Endpoint Security VPN (SecureClient) (CPVP-VSC-5-NGX-XXX) : ';
cplic print |grep never | grep -o -E 'CPVP-VSC-5-NGX\+.*' |sed 's/CPVP-VSC-5-NGX+//g' |awk '{ total = total + \$1 } END { print total }';
echo -n ' Endpoint Security VPN (SecureClient) (CPVP-VSC-XXX-NGX) : ';
cplic print |grep never |grep -v 'CPVP-VSC-5-NGX\+' |grep -o -E 'CPVP-VSC-.*NGX' | sed 's/CPVP-VSC-//g' | sed 's/-NGX//g' | awk '{ total = total+ \$1 } END { print total }'
echo -n ' SNX (not MOB) (CPVP-SNX-XXX-NGX) : ';
cplic print |grep never | grep SNX | sed 's/.*\sCPVP\-SNX\-//' | sed 's/\-NGX.*//' |awk '{ total2 = total2 + \$1 } END { print total2 }'
echo -n ' Mobile Access Blade (CPSB-SSLVPN-XXX) : ';
cplic print |grep never | grep SSLVPN | sed 's/.*\sCPSB\-SSLVPN\-//' | awk '{ total3 = total3 + \$1 } END { print total3 }'
# printf '%.s-' {1..78};echo;
echo;echo 'User Center keys: ';echo;
echo ' Endpoint Security VPN (SecureClient): ';
cplic print |grep never | grep 'CPVP-VSC-' | grep -o -E 'SWB CK-............'| awk '{print \$2}' |sed 's/CK-//g' | awk '{print " " \$1}';
echo ' SNX: ';
cplic print |grep never | grep 'CPVP-SNX-' | sed 's/.*\sCK-//' | awk '{print " " \$1}';
echo ' MOB: ';
cplic print |grep never | grep 'CPSB-SSLVPN-' | sed 's/.*\sCK-//' | awk '{print " " \$1}';
echo;printf '%.s-' {1..78};echo;
chmod 770 /usr/local/bin/sclic
- Easy Backup Tool - (migrate export + all GAIA configs) -> Easy backup of all gateway GAIA configs + migrate export with one CLI command.
- Easy execute CLI commands on all gateways simultaneously -> Now you can use the new command to execute bash or clish commands on all gateway simultaneously.
- Easy execute CLI commands from management on gateways -> Easy execute CLI commands from management on gateways
- Mobile User License Tool - replaced "dtps lic" -> It displays all Secure Client, SSL VPN and Mobile Access Portal licenses in total (sum) on the SMS.
- Easy View Tool - (system infos from all gateways simultaneously) -> This toll shows you quickly an overview of status information of all your gateways with only one CLI command.
0.1 03-15-2020 - oneliner to show Secure Client licenses
0.2 03-17-2020 - create "sclic" tool as script
0.3 03-19-2020 - add remote user check on the gateway
0.4 03-20-2020 - add SNX licenses and MOB licenses, renamed to "Mobile User License Tool"
0.5 03-21-2020 - option -g shows all gateways from topology
03-22-2020 - add auto installer one-liner
0.6 03-23-2020 - add parameters -m, -s, -r, -g;
option -r show full remote gateway licenses
option -m show full SMS licenses
option -g shows remote IP and gateway name from topology
1.0 03-29-2020 - bug fixed
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