Thanks for replying. I'm not sure how much detail you need but here goes 🙂
The gateways are managed via Smart-1 on a VM as a cluster.
First interface is set as a cluster and external, topology defined by IP and netmask (a /29 subnet from the overall /20 routed to the site)
Second interface is set as a cluster and internal, topology defined by a specific network object (the whole /20 for the site) using a /29 from the overall /20
Third interface is set as 1st Sync and internal, topology of each defined as internal -> defined by IP and netmask (Again another /29 from the overall /20)
I don't have anti-spoofing enabled on the external interface because I don't want to lose remote access to the gateway - it's not something I can test easily without organising remote hands to console on (no remote console here!)
Is that enough info?
Apologies, I missed a bit. The external interface is set as external (leads to the internet) and the topology bit is greyed out