We are happy to announce that the 1600 and 1800 series also can be used for our amazing Security CheckUp reports.
We offer 2 Security Checkup scenario’s:
- SMB Cloud Security Checkup
Just simply place the appliance into network which already holds the CloudReportGenerator_master.zip repository. And after 1 or 2 weeks you can run generator to get the desired Security Checkup report. The Admin Guide can be found here. This option is fast, easy and could have a really short Sales cycle. You can even drop ship the box to your customer, utilize Zero Touch for fetching customer specific configuration settings and you “are good to go”. The partner/distributor can turn it into a “try-and-buy” or even better start a dedicated campaign.
- SMB SPAN Security Checkup
This setup requires a few steps more and is ideal for OT/SCADA/ICS environments. Providing insight and visibility with zero impact. This checkup can also be done in bigger environments, SME’s (Small-to-Medium Enterprises).
Want to know more? Refer to: sk112732