We have a number of SMB appliances (1530s) running in the network. Everything has been running fine (for the most part) up until around 29/30 May. Suddenly the devices went from around 75% memory to 90%+. This is causing us issues because the devices are crashing and having to be rebooted.
I have looked through the change logs and no major changes happened around that date. One very small push to two firewalls only.
I'm am running multiple versions with a lot of them being 81.10.10 (but some firewalls still on 80.20.x) So in summary, the issue is not version specific.
I have opened a case with Checkpoint but it hasn't really provided any answers. They have asked to run a memory script and try catch when a firewall fails but that is easier said than done.
Has anybody seen similar behaviour?
