In these turbulent times, with more and more people working from home, getting a grip on one's current situation with Remote Access is essential.
What is my license count? Do I have enough licenses for all my users? What are my options for Remote Access in the first place?
In this post, I take a liberty to list some of the most useful links for the matter. A more extensive FAQ is now available in sk166032. See also our Secure Remote Workforce During Covid-19 hub.
1. What are the Remote Access options with Check Point?
All Check Point Remote Access Solutions, present and legacy, are listed in this SecureKnowledge Article. In a nutshell, you can choose one or a combination of:
For more information, please follow this link.
2. How do I get effective view concerning Remote Access usage?
You can cook your own reports and views, of course, but we have you covered. In this post @Tomas_Vobruba presents a custom SmartView dashboard covering the following:
- total time spend on VPN,
- transferred total bytes,
- number of logs,
- blade used,
- login fails and realauth schemes,
- and client used for connection (workspace, endpoint, snx, etc)

Three other community-provided reports of interest.
Another option to get statistics is to use this one-liner script, courtesy of our champion @Danny

As well as a SmartConsole Extension showing similar information (also from @Danny)

3. Making sure you have enough licenses
With multiple tools and licenses used in parallel, you need to be sure you have enough capacity to serve your customers and clients. Assessing RA VPN licensing situation used to be a challenge. There are multiple SecureKnowledge articles for the matter: sk104644, sk39034 and sk14496.
Most probably, you will have to look into VPN tables to get information about usage:
fw tab -t om_assigned_ips -f
office mode users (including SNX and L2TP)
fw tab -t sslt_om_ip_params -f
SNX users
fw tab -t L2TP_tunnels -f
L2TP users
vpn show_tcpt
Will show the number of Office Mode users that are currently connected in Visitor Mode
fw tab -t cvpn_session
MAB users connected (not SNX just MAB portal)
However, there is an easier way, thanks to the community. To see both amount of connected users and license situation on a particular GW, use this fantastic script from one of our champions @HeikoAnkenbrand.

4. I need more information: architecture, implementation, scaling, etc.
If you are looking for detailed guidance, please refer to our recently posted White Paper for the matter.

5. Can I use Check Point baser Remote Access VPN on Linux?
The answer is yes. Here are two community posts about how to set up and use strongSwan (Roadwarrier) and Libreswan 3.23 with R80.30, both written by @Soeren_Rothe.
Feel free to add your questions and concerns in the comments, we will be happy to address them
6. Remote Access VPN Use - Custom Report
To help you out with keeping an eye on the increased RA VPN usage, we have created a custom Remote Access VPN usage report. You can download the files you need to use it from this post.