This one-liner shows quick and easy a summary of all available Secure Client, SSL VPN and Mobile Access Portal licenses on the management server. It replaces the old tool "dtps lic".

"copy and past" the following one-liner to your management server in epxpert mode:
printf '%.s-' {1..78};echo;echo 'Remote Access VPN License Summary';printf '%.s-' {1..78};echo;echo -n 'Secure Client licenses on SMS (CPVP-VSC-5-NGX-XXX) : '; cplic print |grep never | grep -o -E 'CPVP-VSC-5-NGX\+.*' |sed 's/CPVP-VSC-5-NGX+//g' |awk '{ total = total + $1 } END { print total }';echo -n 'Secure Client licenses on SMS (CPVP-VSC-XXX-NGX) : '; cplic print |grep never |grep -v 'CPVP-VSC-5-NGX\+' |grep -o -E 'CPVP-VSC-.*NGX' | sed 's/CPVP-VSC-//g' | sed 's/-NGX//g' | awk '{ total = total + $1 } END { print total }'; echo -n 'SNX (not MOB) licenses on SMS (CPVP-SNX-XXX-NGX) : '; cplic print |grep never | grep SNX | sed 's/.*\sCPVP\-SNX\-//' | sed 's/\-NGX.*//' |awk '{ total2 = total2 + $1 } END { print total2 }';echo -n 'Mobile Access Blade licenses on SMS (CPSB-SSLVPN-XXX) : ';cplic print |grep never | grep SSLVPN | sed 's/.*\sCPSB\-SSLVPN\-//' | awk '{ total3 = total3 + $1 } END { print total3 }';printf '%.s-' {1..78};echo;
Or use this tool to create a new sclic command on the management server. It has some more features:
R80.x - Mobile User License Tool - replaced "dtps lic"
➜ CCSM Elite, CCME, CCTE ➜