I'm new to Azure and trying to create a site to site VPN route based between it and my on prem cluster. I've already referenced sk101275 for the encryption parameters so I have that part down. Unfortunately this SK doesn't seem to cover all the pieces of the configuration required.
I'm now working on the VTI interfaces on the firewall. For each firewall I configured a new public external IP as local and specified the Azure VPN IP as the remote IP. Additionally I configured a new public external IP for the cluster interface.
So the basic network config looks like this:
Firewall 1 - Local IP = New public IP
Remote IP = Azure public IP
Peer = Azure
Firewall 2 - Local IP = New Public IP
Remote IP = Azure public IP
Peer = Azure
Cluster IP = New Public IP
Then I created an interoperable device using the same name as the peer for the VTI and the IP is the Azure Public IP. I've read where that has to match. I also created a VPN Community and followed sk101275 for parameters. Policy rules were created as well as an empty network object to represent the encryption domain.
So what I'm seeing is phase 1 come up and that's it.
I opened a ticket and was initially told to check routing. Since the VTI remote IP is pointing to the Azure public IP it's creating that a directly connected route via the VTI. The thought was the traffic isn't going out to the internet properly to establish the tunnel. I've read quite a few links on the site here but nothing has seemed to give me quite enough info on what I could be missing.