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R81 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator - New Ongoing take #25

Employee Alumnus
Employee Alumnus
0 3 1,723


Hi All

A new Ongoing Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator take for R81 (take 25) was released today,  and is available for download. Please refer to sk170114


Please note the following:

  •        The new release is mentioned in  sk170114
  •        The new releases will be published via CPUSE as a recommended version once it will be published as GA.
  •        Availability:

o   Available to download the via sk170114

o   Available for download via CPUSE by using package identifier.

o   Can be provided by customer support


Content included in this take:

  • Important content/Fixes  in this take:
    • Added support for Smart-1 6000-L/XL appliances. 
    • Web SmartConsole is not available for customers who install Take 23 without having installed a Jumbo Hotfix before. The fix is included in Take 25. More details will be shared in this sk article soon.


  • List of resolved issue in this take can be found in sk170114

Thanks ,

Release Operation Group




Legend Legend

I especially like this one, some of this "live" Remote Access visibility was only available from the old-school SmartView Monitor:

NEW: Added 3 new views to SmartView for Remote Access, providing visibility for Remote Access users, users login summary, failed login attempts, used clients, top login options, number of users, operating systems, authentication methods and login activity.



No smart console web rw yet...

Employee Alumnus
Employee Alumnus

The 2nd release of the Web SmartConsole with r/w functionality is planned to be released in a timeframe of few weeks.
