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R81.20 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator take #89 has been released today

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Hi All


R81.20 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator take #89 has been released today, and is available for download.


Please note the following:

  •        Availability:

o   Available to download the via Jumbo documentation R81.20 

o   Available for download via CPUSE by using package identifier.

o   Can be provided by customer support


Content included in this take:


  • List of resolved issues in this take can be found in the Jumbo documentation R81.20 



  • Central Deployment allows you to perform a batch deployment of Hotfixes on your Security Gateways and clusters from SmartConsole!! For more information, see sk168597.



Release Operations Group


This message is to share a problem I got installing jumbo take 89.

I have installed this hotfix on 6 cluster XL where R81.20 where the existing one was take 26. Installation has been performed on some cases via CPUSE and on others via central Deployment.

I connect to these gateway on ssh via vpn site to site.

To test connectivity I ping gateways into vpn and something behind the firewalls.

I have noticed that 50% of the cluster hotfix installation, arrived to 14% of installation, has as effect ping timeout on both cluster members and on a server behind the vpn. Resetting the vpn it goes up again.

I have checked firewall logs, vpn went down for standby gateway only.

I have not verified if on cluster where it worked without connectivity lost, the jumbo hotfix was upper Take 26.

Anyway, on all cases hotfix installation was succesfull.

To me it is a hotfix bug.

I have not investigated further.



@Ilovecheckpoint Certainly sounds like a bug. I never had that issue myself in the lab, though my lab is just 1 cluster, 1 single fw and dedicated SE server.



Please note sk182732 on R81.10 JHFA Take 79/84/89:



  • After an upgrade to R81.20 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator Take 79/84/89 or to R81.10 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator Take 169 , no statuses are displayed in the Gateway overview tab.
  • After an upgrade to R81.20 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator Take 79/84/89 or to R81.10 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator Take 169, opening a new tab in Logging&Monitoring View tab in SmartConsole or opening a new tab in SmartView returns one of these errors:
    "SmartView Is not available",
    "SmartView server certificate is invalid",
    "Unexpected error. Close your client and try again",
    "HTTP ERROR 500",
    "Problem accessing /smartview/embedded/. Reason: Server Error".
  • After an upgrade to R81.20 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator Take 79/84/89 or to R81.10 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator Take 169, the "hitcount" in the policy is shown as 0



For me, this meant both cluster nodes showed with an alert in SmartConsole while the cluster status was okay. It took me hours with debugging until TAC led me to this information.
