Hi all,
I have finally found the solution for the issue I was having setting up Prometheus, the issue reported in my previous topic. Now all seems to be running fine. My Skyline server runs Prometheus, and Grafana, everything seems to have full connectivitiy to eachother.
So I decided to add a Check Point r81.10 all-in-one deployment, management+ FW. So it's a non-distributed setup ( updated to the latest take HFA 87, using a full trial license ).
I have tried executing the last step from the guidlines , step called "5. Setup Check Point Firewall open telemery (Change name)".
I went to the AIO r81.10 server, I have created a payload-no-tls.json config file according to the example, adapted it only for my own Skyline/prometeus-target-ip ( ), put it in /home/admin/ and I have started the service using the command below as per SK.
/opt/CPotelcol/REST.py --set_open_telemetry "$(cat payload-no-tls.json)"
As you will see on the sreenshot, both Grafana and Premeteus claim to be running on my Skyline server...
But no data arrives clicking either one of the imported Grafana dashboards templates. On my r81.10 AIO server's logging ( where I have a FW with basically an ANY ANY ANY allow rule ), I can see my r81.10 AIO server is connecting to my Skyline server on port 9090 )
Any advice on how to start troubleshooting this ?
for example :
- tcpdump my skyline and check if indeed data is being sent ?
- check with ps -ef if indeed all is running and check listening ports
I hope it's readable because I have tried putting most relevant info on 1 ultrawide screen 😁
Any advice please ?
( Because 1 picture says more than a 1000 words, here's my lab setup on my home PC in virutalbox )