Hi All,
I am trying to collect logs using API, but when i run the command show-logs, I am not getting any response for long time, and the timeout error occurs. I have tried in management cli, gaia cli and web service http request. But in all the methods I get the timeout error.
these are the commands I am trying
mgmt show-logs new-query.top.count "10"
curl -XPOST "https://x.x.x.x:443/web_api/show_logs" --data-binary "{\"new-query\": {\"time-frame\": \"last-7-days\", \"max-logs-per-request\" : \"2\"}}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-chkp-sid: xxxxxx"
I could not see the logs in the smart console even as it fails to connect to the server. but my management server is up and running.
can anyone please let me know how to get the logs using API and in the smart console.