Where the file should be saved for this particular script is described in the lengthy post with that script, please read it carefully.
It's meant for bulk import/export of a lot of objects, so may not be the best tool for your job.
Another possible option: R80 PowerShell Module
But a simpler option is to just call the CLI directly and import the CSV.
This process isn't nearly as well documented as I thought it would be, but we're about to fix that ![Smiley Happy Smiley Happy](https://community.checkpoint.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.png)
First of all, the CSV file should be in the correct format.
The first row refers to parameters you would pass the add host command as documented here: Check Point - Management API reference for add host
The minimum parameters needed are name and ip-address.
Since you want to put them in a group, might as well do that as they are created.
For this example, the objects will be added to a group called BlockGroup:
If the group doesn't already exist, you can use the following CLI command on the management server to create it first: mgmt_cli -r true add group name BlockGroup
To then import the CSV file, use the following command on the management server, which reads the file from the current directory: mgmt_cli -r true add host --batch import.csv
Note: You will probably need to break up the CSV file into smaller chunks (no more than 500 items per file).
Otherwise you may experience issues as described here: https://community.checkpoint.com/message/6809-re-creating-multiple-object-via-csv