i am currently trying to help a customer with their service provider. They need a unique identifier for Rules at #SmartConsole. Best would be if rules and logs are searchable by this identifier. As there are already UIDs given, we thought it would be good to use them
Searching for Logs by UID is already fine.
Searching for a rule by UID in ruleset does not work by default. So i did a script that sets the UID as value into a custom field. Now i should be able to search for a specific rule by UID. BUT, the rule is not appearing when looking for the whole UID. When deleting the last character, all works as expected, the rule is shown.
So my question - someone has an idea, why this is happening (not being able to search for the whole UID, but UID minus last x character)?
Another idea was to use a"shortuuid" of the UID as value for a custom field, but doing so, i can only search for rules, not log messages, as custom-fields are not included to logs. So i´d have to use them at the name field...
Attached some pictures, hopefully they explain the behaviour i see.
Any idea appreciated
Cheers, Daniel