Was hoping to get some insight from @PhoneBoy and @Tomer_Noy.
With the release of CP Smart1-cloud, I had assumed that product mgmt would be putting all focus on this new platform going forward.
How long do you feel that Sofaware Mgmt Portal will stay around (I specifically mention Sofaware to remind everyone the origins of SMP are 10-15 years old)? I acknowledge there are likely many large customers with numerous retail locations using SMP today.
Notes about Smart1-cloud:
- current SmartConsole GUI, polished,
- ability to add cloud SmartEvent -- so have same alerts and reports familiar from on-premise SmartCenter.
- manage both SMB and full GAIA devices.
- limit on max number devices. 25? would assume this growing over time.
SMP benefits:
- designed to manage hundreds of SMB devices.
- specific tools for rapid and large scale deployment.
- specific tools for monitoring operation of remote SMB devices in different locations.
- specific reports for all the above.
How does partner get access to demo instance of SMP to poke around? Access to Smart1-cloud is super easy from infinity portal.
Do you think SMP will be added to Infinity portal at some point?
Is there a plan to merge the two?