Hello all,
I'm trying to retrieve a policy package with objects using Checkpoint API.
I would like to use the web_api_show_package script,"$MDS_FWDIR/scripts/web_api_show_package.sh"
I end up with an error, when I look in the generated file, I have the following lines indicating a fingerprint issue :
[Mon Aug 05 14:46:40 CEST 2019 com.checkpoint.mgmt_api.examples.MyLogger.debug()DEBUG]: The parameters that were received: showPackagesList:(-v)=true
[Mon Aug 05 14:46:40 CEST 2019 com.checkpoint.mgmt_api.examples.MyLogger.debug()DEBUG]: Limit number of object per page: 10
[Mon Aug 05 14:46:40 CEST 2019 com.checkpoint.mgmt_api.examples.MyLogger.debug()DEBUG]: Local Ips: [x.x.x.x, y.y.y.y,]
[Mon Aug 05 14:46:42 CEST 2019 com.checkpoint.mgmt_api.examples.MyLogger.severe()SEVERE]: Fingerprint was't approved. The fingerprint doesn't match to the fingerprints from the 'api fingerprint' command
[Mon Aug 05 14:46:42 CEST 2019 com.checkpoint.mgmt_api.examples.ShowPackageTool.logoutReportAndExit()INFO]: Script stopped running due to severe error!
[Mon Aug 05 14:46:42 CEST 2019 com.checkpoint.mgmt_api.examples.ShowPackageTool.logoutReportAndExit()INFO]: dirPath: /home/admin/291b8f93-bd5a-46a7-9aa1-15194f563da1
[Mon Aug 05 14:46:42 CEST 2019 com.checkpoint.mgmt_api.examples.ShowPackageTool.logoutReportAndExit()INFO]: tarGzPath: show_package-2019-08-05_02-46-40.tar.gz
I checked API and SMC fingerprint and they are different. Is it the reason why it's not working ?
Would you have an idea to manage through this error ?
Best Regards,
Sullivan Drouard