i have connetcetd eve-ng machine to bridged network in my vmware workstation and in the eve-ng i have installed chackpoint firewall (Gaia os) and i have connected cloud0 managmnet network to checkpoint image in eve-ng portal and then set the ip address to my checkpoint firewall (gaia os) in eth0 but when i try to ping check point image ip from my base mechine its show not reacheble
so for troubleshoting i did bellow things
1. i tried to to ping to eve-ng from check point firewall its rechable
2. but when i try to ping to router gateway which is from cp firewall its unreachable
3. its seems that checkpoint firewall is reachble till eve-ng but its not reaching to gateway
4. for this gateway confirmation i ping gateway ip from my eve-ng its reachable
i feeling that some where in the eve-ng connection is blocking so please any one can help me to solve bcz i stuck here not able to access setup wizard of check point
please refer ss bellow
ip address deatils of checkpoint image

ping to home router gateway ip from checkpoint

ping to eve-ng machine from CP firewall

ping to home router gateway ip from eve-ng machine

eve-ng mechine network setting

ping to my home router gateway ip from my base mechine

ifconfig details from my base machine