Right, looks like the only way to determine unused NAT rules is purely through log analysis whether that involves using third party log analysis tools or SmartEvent.
However you can poke around directly in the fwx_cache table on the live gateway to see which NAT rules are being used the most. The fwx_cache table does track the NAT rule number of cached entries, so this command I just whipped up will show the top 20 most commonly cached/hit NAT rules:
fw tab -u -t fwx_cache | awk '{ print $3 }' | cut -c5-8 | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -20
Keep in mind that the rule numbers displayed here are in hexadecimal. Using -f with this fw tab command still displays everything in hex so it doesn't help. If one of the most commonly NAT hit rules is a manual NAT rule, moving it up in the NAT rulebase will help non-cached NAT lookup performance for that rule, but watch out for overlaps or conflicts with subsequent manual NAT rules. Automatic NAT rules can't be moved around which is probably why the caching mechanism exists.
There are 10,000 NAT cache entries available by default in this table, to see how many are in use run this:
fw tab -t fwx_cache -s
If the current amount allocated and/or peak amounts are exactly 10,000 do not panic. As mentioned in my book the 10,000 entries are utilized to track the most common NAT rulebase matches, and "running out" here just means there will be more actual lookups against the NAT rulebase than there otherwise would be. The size of fwx_cache can potentially be increased as described here to improve NAT performance:
sk21834: How to modify values of properties related to NAT cache table "fwx_do_nat_cache"
However be warned that the NAT code has been around for a very very long time and hasn't really changed that much over the years, so tampering with this value on today's code versions may have unintended effects. The NAT rulebase doesn't look like a "real" policy layer in R80+ from what I can tell since it is basically still joined at the hip with the Network Access Layer. The inability to use Security Zones with NAT policies is another indication that the NAT rulebase is not a "real" R80+ policy layer in my opinion.
My book "Max Power: Check Point Firewall Performance Optimization"
now available via http://maxpowerfirewalls.com.
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